Page 146 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 146
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Surname kt.rna I~aiden Name IData
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MCNICOLL Jack Died March 19, 1926 in Sudbury at 2 years 7 months 20 days, born Benny, residence Banny, buried in Benny.
funeral date Shipped March 20, 1926, physician Dr. Torrington - ordered by McNicoll, Tom - charged to
McNicoll. T. -of Benny
MENARD Alida Died May 4, 1940 in Sudbury at 49 years. born St. André Avelin, occupation housewife, residence Hanmer,
buried in Hanmer. funeral date May 6. 1940. clergy F. Charpentier. physician Dr. Boyce - ordered by MBnard.
IEmile - charged to Ménard, E. -of Hanmer . .-
l~ied June 28. 1935 in Azilda at 85 vears 7 months 11 davs. born Plaisance. P.C.. occuoation farrner.
Iresidence Azilda, buried in ~udbui, funeral date July 1, 1935, clergy F. ~eriay. physician Dr. Duval -ordered
Ménard, George - charged to Ménard, G. - of Azilda
ADril27. 1923 in sud bu^ at 68 vears. born St. Maurice. occu~ation housewife. residence sud bu^. buriec
lin ~udbury, fheral date ~prilj0. 1923. clergy F. Primeau, physi~ian Dr. Morrison - ordered by ~enard;
l~eorges charged to Ménard, G. -of 68 Bond St., Sudbury
l~ied March 30. 1926 in Sudburv at 69 vears. born Ste Marthe. P.Q.. occuoation farmer. residence Larchwmd.
lburied in ~helrnsford. funeral date ~hipped ~arch 30. 1926, ciergy F. ~bt'é. physician J: R. Hurtibise - ordered
Iby Obunsawin - charged to Obunsawin -of Larchwood
l~ied ADril3, 1925 in Sudburv at 2 months 11 davs, born Sudbuw. residence Sudbuw. buried in Sudburv.
funeraidate~pril4, 1925, clérgy F. Paré, physician Dr. Kelly - ordered by MBthot, JO;. (Mrs) - charged k
Jos. - of 60 Edmund. Sudbury
Died August 7,1925 in Sudbury at 19 rnonths, born Sudbuw. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral
ldate ~ugust 8, 1925, clergy F. Paré, physician Dr. orr ris on- ordered by ~Bthoi Jos. - charged to M~thot. Jos
11, 1920 in Sudbury at 15 months. born Sturgeon Falls, residence Sturgeon Falls, buried in
Sudbury. funeral date March 14, 1920. clergy F. Carribre, physician W. J. Cook - ordered by Michaud, ElzBar -
lof Sturgeon Falls
IDied May 13,1943 in Sudbury at 59 years 9 months 6 days. born Notre Dame de Lan. (?), occupation farmer.
.. .
Iresiden& McKerrow. buried in ~s~anola. funeral date ~av 1941. ~hvSiCian Dr. ~itchell ordered bv
. .
E. - chargecl to Michon, E. - of ~spanola McKerrow
MIHARCHUK Elsie Ann in Sudbury at 19 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
(twin) (~pril22, 1944. clergy F. ~isilÜk, physician Dr. Moody - ordered by ~iharchuk, P. - charged to ~iharchuk of
423 Granite
MILLETTE Lucie 1920 in Sudbury at 48 years, born L'Orignal, Ontario. occupation postmistress, residence
Rutter, Ont., buried in Rutter, Ont.. funeral date December 16, 1920, clergy F. Carrière. physician J. A. Dixon -
Victor - charged to Millette, V. - of Rutter, Ont.
lllegal to copy without permission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch. Onlario Genealogical Society
do Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie SI .Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8 Att. Publications Co-ordinator