Page 131 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 131

Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944

                                                                                                      Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

                              Surnarne                             Maiden Narne        Data
                              LECOUPLE              Euclide                            Died April12. 1920 in Sudbury at 13 months, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date
                                                                                       April 14, 1920, clergy F. Carriere. physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Lecouple. T. - charged to
                                                                                       Lewuple, Tirnoleon - of Sudbury
                              LECOUPLE              Florence                           Died May 1, 1920 in Sudbury at 13 years 4 months, born Blezard Valley, occupation student. residence
                                                                                       Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date May 3.  1920, clergy F. Carriere, physician H. Koljonen - ordered by
                                                                                       Lewuple, T. - of Sudbury
                              L~CUYER               Léonie                             Died November 20, 1936 in Sudbury at 25 years, born Blezard Valley, occupation housewife, residence
                                                                                       Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral date November 23,1936, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr. Cook - ordered by
                                                                                        LBcuyer, G. - charged to LBcuyer, G. -of 340 Mable
                              L~CUYER               M. Caroline                         Died November 18,1936 in Sudbury at 1 day. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
                                                    Odette                             date November 18. 1936, clergy F. Lemay. physician Dr. Cook - ordered by Lecuyer, G. - charged to Lescuyer,
                                                                                       G. -of 340 Mable
                              LEDUC                 CBlima                              Died December 9.  1938 in Blezard Valley at 75 years, born St. Lazare. P.Q., occupation housewife, residence
                                                                                        Blezard Valley, buried in Blezard Valley. funeral date December 12. 1938. clergy F. Dufresne, physician Dr.
                                                                                        Mulligan - ordered by Leduc, Wm. - charged to Leduc. Wm. - of Blezard Valley
                              LEDUC                 Marie                               Died May 15. 1922 in Sudbury at 19 hours, barn Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date
                                                    Thérese                             May 17. 1922. clergy F. Primeau. physician Dr. O'Gorman - ordered by Leduc, Olivier - charged to Leduc. O. -
                                                                                       of Sudbury
                              LEDUC                 Mary E.                             Died December 29, 1921 in Sudbury at 1 day 14 hours. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury,
                                                                                        funeral date December 30.  1921. clergy F. Primeau, physician G. A. Henry - ordered by Leduc. J. - charged to
                                                                                        Leduc, Jos -of Sudbury
                              LEEDS                 Beverly                             Died June 16, 1943 in Sudbury at 5 years 4 months 24 days, born Sudbury. residence Gatchell, buried in
                                                    Carole                              Sudbury. funeral date June 18, 1943. clergy F. Brennan, physician Dr. McLean - ordered by Leeds, Victor -
                                                                                        charged to Leeds. Vic - of 21 Bulmer, Gatchell
                              LEFEBVRE              Albert                              Died February 1, 1936 in Sudbury at 8 months, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral
                                                                                        date Febmary 2, 1936. clergy F. Coallier, physician Dr. Hooey - ordered by Lefebvre, J. - charged to Lefebvre,
                                                                                        J. -of 321 King
                              LEFEBVRE               Dorilda                            Died October 22, 1918 in Sudbury at 23 years. born Montreal, Québec, occupation nurse in nursing. residence
                                                                                        Ottawa, Ontario, buried in Sudbury, funeral date October 23. 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. R.
                                                                                        Hurtibise - ordered by Mme Lefebvre

                              LEFEBVRE               Henri                              Died October 30, 1918 in Sudbury at 18 years. born Montreal. Québec, occupation labourer, residence
                                                                                        Pickerel, Ontario, buried in Sudbury. funeral date November 3, 1918, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician H.
                                                                                        Koljonen - ordered by hospital

                                                                         lllegal to copy without pemission - copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
                                                                            do Sudbury Public Library. 74 Mackenzie St., Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8  Att. Publications Co-ordinator

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