Page 63 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 63

35.   JOBN  BPSTIST~~L~XE (Anthony4  Anthony  John3  peter2  Prancid)  b  15 Apr
                                1806 Rivibee  aur Canarda  bp  Asaunption  Sandwich  m thesn  4  Hay  1830
                                IPHIGEHY  CELESTE  ARCOUET,  b  thee.  20  Sep  1810  dau  of  Prancia  Arcouet
                                and Pnlagia  Charon  dit  Cabanac
                                Children  b  Assumption:
                                       i. Iphigany  celeste6  b  12 Peb  1831
                                      ii. eor  b  24  sep  1832
                          36.   THoMAs~~IC€BE(T~-~~ Anthony3 peter2 Prancial)  b  14 Hay  1806 Aanqtion
                                Sandwich  m  there  1.t   8  Sep  1829 W  Y  ANU  ARWOET,  b  1812 bur  there  17
                                Har  1853 dau  of Francis  Amouet  and  Pelagia  Charon  dit Cabanac,  m 2nd  9
                                Jul  1856 nsaunption  SCHOLASTICA  ST  DENIS  widow  of  John  Baptiat Cayet
                                Children  by  Hary  Ann  Arcouet  born  Aaaqtion:
                                       i. mtilda6caroline  b  29  my 1830 m 15 oct 1850  Aaaunption  Peter
                                          Boemier,  b  there  2  Sep  1823  son  of  Peter  Boemier  and  Florence
                                          Drouillard.  Groom  r Halden
                                      ii. Thomas  b  27  me 1833
                                     iii. Haglorie b  30  Hay  1834  m 11 Jan  1859 Hathilde  Pare
                                      iv.  George  b  9 Mar  1836 m  1st 3  Hay  1859 Hathilde  Gaye,  m 2nd  17
                                          Har  1873 Roae  me Drouillard,  b  1 Jan  bp  6 Jan  1854 dau  of
                                          Baaile  Drouillard  and  Roae  Hartin
                                       v.  oliva  b  3  ~ov 1838 m 20  Apr  1858 Aaamption  Erery  Tourangeau.
                                          b  there  3  Nor  1821 aon  of  Jamas  Tounmgeau  and  Monica  Boemier
                                      vi.  Roae  Adeline  b  26  Hae  1842
                                     vii.  Ph-a   b  18 Hae  1844  m  4  Sep  1865 Virginie  Yeloche
                                    viii.  Euphroaine  b  2  Dec  1846 rn  22  Nov  1865 St Joaeph  River  Canard
                                          Joaeph  Beneteau,  b  1844  bur  20  Dec  1903 son  of  Charlea
                                          Beneteau  and  Hary  Jane  lrngloia
                                      ir. Hary  Celina  b  12 Jm 1849
                                       r.  Joaeph  Remy  b  7 Ha= bur  12 Ha.  1853 Aaaunption
                          37.   JORN  WTIST~H~~OCHE (John Baptists  Anthony4  Anthony  John3  pet&
                                eransial)  b  3  Jul  1835 m 19 Jul 1858 Asaunption  W  Y  CHARLOTTE  PAGEOT,
                                dau  of  Anthony  Pagect  and  Tereall  Martin.   Grom r Malden
                                       i. Nathalie7 m 12  Jul  1880 Ste Anne  Detroit  Joaeph  Villeneuve
                          1.  ~om BAPTIST~H~~ MARY  DESILETS
                                       i. Thms2 b  17 Appr  bp  7  Jun  1822 Aaaumption  Sandwich
                                      ii. Mary  b  17 Hay  bp  28  Jul  Detmit bur there  21  Oct  1824
                                     iii. Angdlica  b  9  Sep  1825 bp  4  Peb  1827 ~corcea
                                      iv.  Catherine  b  29  Jul 1830 bp 18 Nor  1831 Detroit
                                       v.  Dominic  b  10  Jul  1833 St Antoine  River  Raisin
                          1   ERNEsT1m~CNE b  19  Har  1881 m 28  Jan  1914  BLbNCW.  ROBIDPAW,  b  3  Sep  1889
                                dau  of  Benj-   Robideau  and  Ellen  lrnagga
                                Children :
                                       i. Helen2  b  3 Har  1915
                                      ii. Benj-   b  29  Ape  1916
                                     iii. Anthonv  b  19 Peb  1918
                                      is. lao b  i2 NOV  1919
                                       r. Eva  b  31 Aug  1921
                                      vi.  JoaeDh  b  23  Har  1424
                                     vii.  Theriaa  b  23  sun  1926
                                    viii.  Irene b  12 Nor  1927
                                      ir. Paul  b  17 mr  1929
                          1.   STEP~EN~~NANCON Acadla  rn  MARY  ANU LECLPRC, b  Acadia.   In  1621 the King
                                of  England  ceded  Acadia  to Sir William  Alexander  Earl  of  Stirling who
                                eatabliahed  a  Scotch  colony  at Port  Royal.   When  Acadia  waa  reatored  to
                                Prance  in 1632  only  three  of  the  Scotch  famillea  remained  who  soon
                                rcarged  in the  French  population:  the  Colaons,  the  Paialays,  and  the
                                Nellansona.   Nellanaon  becamr  in French  mlancon  which  waa  changed
                                afteewarda  in Canada  into Henancon
                                2      i. Stephen2&nancon  b  1174
                          2.   STEPHEH~~NANCON(S~~~~~~~) Ann  Loree  Canada  bur  1 Mar  1824  age
                                50  yra  Detroit  m  there  21 Sep  1802 CATHEPINE  BONDY,  b  20  Nor  1785
                                Aaa-tion   Sandwich  dau  of  Joae~h Bondv  and  Jane  Weloche
                                                           -  829  -
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