Page 45 - Genealogy French Families Détroit River Revision 1701-1936 - Vol. 1
P. 45

Raisin  bur  16 May  1849  from  St  Prlncia  Xavier  tcorcea dau  of
                                            John  Baptiat  Rouaaon  and Margaret  Renume.   Bride  and  groom  r
                                            Huron  River  near  Monroe
                                               1. Helena7  b  29  Aug  1843
                                       iii. Jvlia  b  25  Apr  bp 28  Jul  1818  Detroit  bur  13 Sep  1852  from  St
                                            Grancia  Xavier  m lat  6 Oct  1835  St  Antoine  J-~(Jacob)
                                            Bondy,  b  26  Dec  1808  bp  Ass-ion   Sandwich  d  before  1837  aon
                                            of  Joseph  Bondy  and Mary  Baliot,  m 2nd  7  reb  1837  Detroit
                                            Joaeph  Lehau dit Marin,  b  there  30  Sep  1815 bur  9  Sep  1852
                                            from  St  rrancis  wavier  aon  of  Joaeph  Lebeau  dit  Marin  and
                                            Joaette  Pontaine
                                        iv.  Eleonor.  b  25  Sep  1821 Detroit
                                         v.  Infant b  15 Mar  1824  Detroit  bur  there  s-   day
                                        ri. Abrab b  16 Jan  1825 b 1 Mar  1826 Detroit m 18 Jul  1846
                                            &neoe  snrily  Robsrt,  b-il  Sul  1828  St Antoine  dau  of  John
                                            Baptist  Rabert  and  Catherine  Godon
                                               1. John  ~aptiatl  15 reb 1848 Monroe
                                               2.  Abrahkb  2  Jun  1850  Monroe
                                               3.  Brancia  Xavier  b  20  Mae  bp 18 4~ 1852 Monroe
                                       vii.  Magdelene  b  16 Apr  1826 bp 4  Peb  1827  st  a  ldiaaion  in icorcea
                                            m  12  leb 1844 Monroe  Jvbert  Iarour,  b  1821
                                      viii.  Prmcea  b  29  Mar  Detroit  bp  9  Aug  1828 Aasumption
                                        ix.  Anthonv  b  3 Aua  1830  Detroit
                                         x.  Joseph-b  11 J&  1834  Detroit
                                         i. ~ohn eaptiatz b  st Euatache  Lore= Canada  m  22  sul  1816
                                            Aasumption  Sandwich  Mary  Louiaa  Cecilia  Boucher,  b  Quebec  dau
                                            of  John  Baptist  Boucher  and Welica Duhawl
                                            Children  b-Aaaumption.
                                               1. Charlea  willid b  8 Nov  1817
                                               2.  Charlotte  Jane  b  30  Dec 1818
                                               3.  Joaeph  Amable  b  28  reb 1820
                                               4.  Adelaide  Cecilia b  25  Sun  1821
                                        ii. Louia  Amable  b  19 NOV  1796 Quebec bur  4  Mav 1829 Aaa-tion
                            I.   PE~R~HATHEWS RESECCA  BURHET
                                         1. ~aeah2 b  NY  atate  c-   to Detroit  in  1830  d  hefore  1838 m  10
                                            NOV  1832 Detroit  Julia  Lafontaine,  b  23  Sep  1808 Detmit dau
                                            of  rrmcis Duboed  dit Lafontaine  md Catherine  Chabert
                            1.   JOSEPH~LULY m Ste Madelain9  de  la Prairie  oppoaite Montr6.1   W.THERINE
                                         i. ~tephen' b  1 Jul  Buffalo  bp  12  Jul  1828 Detroit
                                        ii. Jomeph  m 25  Nor  1851 Aasumption  Sandwich  Catherine
                                            Letourneau,  b  12 Mar  1834 bp  11 Apr  1835 Detroit  dau  of
                                            rrancia  Letoueneau  and  Florence  Pitee
                                               1. Joaeph  ~olphu.~ 14 Sep bp 5  Oct  1852 Aaaumption
                                               2.  Thms Ephraim  b  10  Sep  1853
                                               3.  mly Pauline  b  4  Teb  1855 Aaaumption
                                               4.  Catherine  b  8  Sep  1856 Araumption
                                       iii. Uraula  b  1831 m  24  Apz  1849 Assumption  Greinarville  John
                                            Schonherr b  1827  aon  of  Nicolaa  Schonherr  and  Catherine  Burr.
                                            Bride  r Hamtrarck  groom  e Groaae  Pointe
                                        iv.  Mathiaa  b  1841 m 30  Apr  1867 Aaaumption  Greinerville  Celina
                                            Greffaed,  b  18  Sun  1846 Detroit  dau  of  Charlea  Cxeffard  and
                                            Marcelline  Keller
                                               1. Mathiad  b  28  Jan  bur  29  Jan  1868 Aaaumption
                                              2.  Mary Eliaabeth b  7 Mar  bp  9  Mar  1869  Aaaumption
                                               3.  Ueaula  b  20  Oct  bp  24  Oct  1870 Aasumption
                                         v.  Stephen  b  I  Jan  1843 Detroit
                                        vi.  Maurice b  28  Sep  1845 Aaaumption  Sandwich
                                                             -  811  -
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