Page 23 - index
P. 23

                                    D'EVENEMENTS  D'INTERET GENEALOGIQUE
                                   DATEN VON VERANSTALTUNGEN UND REISEN

                                19115  April 19-13   ENGLAND: Wiltshim.
                                              3rd Btilh Family Hislory Codem~~ce
                                               To be held at Dauowy'a  SchmL WIL  Layin@&
                                     April 28   USA: la8 Anplea, Calilornia.
                                              Amnvol Codemncc
                                               Southern Cslfomia Gcosabdeal Saicty.
                                     May  1619   PRANCE Avigloo.
                                              Blh Fmnch Natiowl Genmlolical Codemnce.
                                              (BPmr  Gowns Na'.rional de GCnBlW).
                                              Cmlact Aasoc  G6oWoSiqur & L'slriquc du NOPA
                                               Plan dc Is Tour F-83120, SAINT MAXIME. Frmsc.
                                     May 17-19   CANADA: Tmolo, Ontario.
                                              Annual Seminar ofrhe  Owario Gene Soriety
                                               Hosted by the Tomnlo Branch of0.G.S.
                                     May 18    BRITAN
                                               Coderenre on Pmbole 1nwnro"es
                                               Britiah Assaiatim for Losd History.
                                     June 15   USA:  St Louis, Missouri.
                                              Annul Seminar.
                                               St Lnris Genealogical Society.
                                     JUC 22    ENGLAND:  Grantham.
                                              Join1 one day Codemace.
                                               Hosted by Noltinglmm Lima. Leiceslamhire & De+y  F.H.S.
                                     Juoc 23   ENGLAND: Chrala~lcSVcct
                                               One day Codemnce.
                                               Hmtrd by  NorUlvmkland & Durham F.H. Swirly.
                                     July 6    ENGLAND: Redin$  Bcrbhim.
                                               lOlh Anniversary Cademnee - A Pnrrqgr lo Ewiond.
                                               Hmted by Bedhim F.H.  Saicty.
                                     July 15-19   ENGLAND: Mmidstonc, Keol
                                              Residential course on Family Hirmry.
                                              Cmut Institute of Hcnldic & Genealogical Studice.
                                     July  7-1 1   US&  New York
                                              5th. Nalionol Seminar on Jewish Gmmlopy
                                              Hmt New York Jewish GcoclloSical Saiety
                                     July 1&24   rnLAND
                                              Research Expcditia to Poland
                                              Conlact New Ymt Jswiah GcosaloSical Society
                                     Auwt 69   USA:  Sall Lakc City, Uub.
                                              National Gencalc&al  Saierv's
                                              5lh Annuoi ~al8oid
                                              Losd Hoet  UW Geoealwal Asaa8auoa
                                              P 0  Box  1053. Salt Lake City. UT  841 10
                                     Auwt 15-I7  USA:  U.8 City. Missouri
                                              Cmrswdr 85 - 6th Annual Nariowi Codemnce of tk
                                              Fsdrruian d Gcnulodcal Saicticr.
                                              Cobomed by s numk-of lad Saiclics.
                                              Conm P.O. Box 2307, Olathc KS 66061.
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