Page 32 - index
P. 32
M6dard Adelard and of Josephine Dionne who were married Aug_ 9,-
1883 at Riviere-ouelle,poQGHis first wife was the sister of his
second wife M.Adele Dionnse They were married Jan.21,1875 at
His wife was Camelle GreniereThey were married in 1921. They
had 3 sons:Jean Charles Jr of Lewiston and Roger and Marcel
also of LewistonuMe~ Their dau~ters were Miss Camel1e and Jac-
queline both of Boston,MaQS and Sister Marie du Carmel and Mrs
Francis(Monique)McAvoy of Lewiston,Me@ She had one surviving
sister: Miss Amelia. of LGwiston,Me. He founded 'La Ligue des
Societas ode langue franraise o of Lewiston and was also a State
His grandparents were Medard and Priscilla Langlais who were
, ,
married Apr.l2,1836 at Riviere-ouelle,p~Q.
The parents of Medard were Fran9o,1.s-Xavier and his second wife
Anastasie Miville dit Deschenes who waremarried Apr.26,1802 at
St.Roch des Aulnaies,PeQ0 He married his first wife victoire
Boucher Nov.13,1197at Riviere-ouelle,PoQ.
The parents of Frans:ois....xavier were Joseph and Rose Martin who
were married Nov o lS q 1161 at StoAnne de la Pocatiere,P.Qo
The parents of Joseph were Pierre and M~Catherine Lizotte who
were married Auge11,1726 St.Anne de 1a Pocatiere,PeQe
The parents of Pierre were Pierre and Madeleine Dancause who
were married Feb G4,1691 At Riviere-ouelle~P.Qo
The parents of the second Pierre were Pierre and Marie St.Denis
who were married Apro4,1663 at Chateau-Richer,p.Q.
The parents of ~~e third Pierre were Marin and his second wife
Perinne Mallet who were married in 1629 in France. Marin Who
born °in 1587 or 1589 at Mort.agne(Orne)France. At S't-Langis, near
Mortagne he married Julienne Baril Feb~7,16I1G She died Dec.lS,
1621 and was buried at St=Langis after having had 7 children.,
Francois was the only one who survived., Then Marin married his
second wife Perinne Malet G She was born around 1604 a.nd was
the daughter of Pierre and of Jacqueline Leger of courqeout(orne).
Around 1634 Marin and his wife and Franfois and two children from