Page 144 - index
P. 144
July 5,1803 at St0Joseph,Beauc~oPeQo
The parents. of Chilrles wer~ Louis and Marguerite Lepire who were
married Nov.24,1717 at Charlesbourq,p.O.
The parents of Louis were Louis-Michel and ~4arquerite Renaud who
were married Aug o4,1732 at Ch~lesbourg,P90G
The parents of Louis-Michal were Louis and Elisabeth Boutin who
were married Nov o17 1710 at L'Anclenne Lorette,P.Q.
The parents of Louis w()re Rob~t &!4Q Mt\rie O"to \"ho were married
Nov.4,1670 at Quebec City.
The parents of Robert wore Jean and J~anne Dumont of Grisy, diocese
of Sees, (Orne) ,France. Robert was a master layer of tiles and
he signed his name robsr peppin. His wife Marie was ~aptized Oct.
10,1657 and was the daughter of Jean crete and of Marguerite
GEORGIANA was born M2ro23 q lB93 at StoEphrem,Beauce,p.Q. and died
Nov.30,l979 at a Nursing Hoce after a short illness. She was living
in Lewiston,Me. She \,,,~~ the daughte-..r of St.anislas and Josephine
Blais who were mwcrioo. J@il1lo11,18S7 at: st.Epflxem. He married as
second wife Eleonore Mathieu Augo24,1914 ~t StoBvariste,p.Q.
Her husband was Henry Eo Lemay of Auburn,Me.They had a daughter
Lorraine Nickerson. of Auknu'n and 4 sons Laurier of Sabattus,Me
and Richard of Lewiston end Ronaldo of Auburn and Thomas of Lisbon
Falls,Me. He%'::surviving ralativas wexe Sister Marie Gerard of
Black Lake,P.Q. and 15 gr~ndchildren and 3 greatgrandch11dren.
She lived in Lew1st~n and Auburn for the past 40 years.
Her grandparents were Franyois and Sophie Fortin Who were married
Feb.19,1840 at St.Vict©r P0Q.
The parente of Franjois were Jean-Baptiste and his 2nd wife
M.Josette Maheu who were m~ried Sept~5,1815 at St.Fran9ois,Beauce,
P.O. He married as first wife Charlotte Gilbert Jan.29,l8ll at st.