Page 274 - index
P. 274
GALE. Samuel, et Jean-Baptiste DUBERGER 795b). Plan of part of the province of
Lower Canada 1. 1 compiered in the surveyor general office in the iarer
part of the year 7 794 and early part of the year 7795 [. 1. par Samuel Gale
et Jean-Baptiste Duberger, Québec, 1794-1 795 1 carte: ms.. coul., 11 2 x
254 cm, &ch. 4 milles au pouce (env. 1 : 2534401. ANC, VI -300-1 795.
GRANT, James (1 771 1, et Hugh FINLAY (1 7931, Diagram of sundry lownships, with
which the height of land may probably interfere I...), Québec, 10 mars
1793. 1 carte: ms., coul., 25 x 37.5 cm. éch.: 5 milles au pouce (env.
1 : 316800). ANC. H3-307-1793.
GRAY. A. (1810), A trigonometricai survey of the environs of Québec, par A.
Gray, Québec. 25 juin 1810. 1 carte: ms., coul., 1 19 x 295 cm. &ch. : 1 000
verges au pouce (1 : 36000) ANQ-O, P60D4, D362-Québeo1810.
HALDIMANO, John Frederick 117651, A plan of the Magdalen, Brion, Entry and
Oeadmans Islands in rhe Gulf of Sr. Lawrence 1.. .lm par Samuel Holland et
Frederick Haldimand. Copiée par C. Pet.tigrew, 191 1. 1 cane 3 sections.
ms., n.b., 121 x 204 cm, &ch. : 1 : 47 520. ANC, HI -340-Madeleine. îles de
la-11 7651. NMC 1 1034.
HAWK~NS. Alfred (1 841 1, Plan of the military & naval operations under the command
of the immorlal Wolfe & vice admiral Saunders, before Québec. Londres.
James Wyld. 1841. 1 carte : gravure. 59 x 73 cm, éch. : env. 2000 pieds au
pouce (1 24 000). ANO-O, P600-4, D962-Québec-1759.
HOLUNO. John Frederick (1 791 ), A map of the province of Québec, comprehending
the districrs of Gaspé, Ouébec, Three Rivers, Monrrdal, Lunenburg,
Mecklenburg, and Nassau, the provinces of Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick, Cape Breton, and part of the States of New York, New
Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, in which is laid down the several
seigniories, to facilitare a division of the country, for the purpose of an
equal representation of the people in a house of Assembly, compiled and
drawn by command of His Excellency, par Frederick Holland. Québec.
août 1791. 1 carte : ms., coul., 252 x 455 cm, éch. : 6 milles au pouce (env.
1 : 380 160). ANC, Hl -1 100-1 791, NMC 11 736.
HOLLAND, John Frederick (1 7931, Plan of the River Sr. John in rhe province of New
Brunswick, with the post road or communication by that river from the
ciiy of St John on the Bay of Fundy to the River St Lawrence, par
J.F. Holland. s.1.. 1793. 1 carte: ma., coul., 57 x 206 cm, &ch. 4 milles au
pouce (1 : 153440). ANQ-Q, E 21, Ministére des Terres et ForêtsjArpen-
tagelfrontières. no 1 1.
HOLUNO, Samuel. et John COLLINS (1 790). A map of pan of Canada for the use of
His Majesry's secretary of stare, compiled in rhe surveyor general office,
pursuant 10 an order in council of the 22nd day of February 7 790, par
Samuel Holland et John Collins, Qubbec, octobre 1790. 1 carte: ms., n.b.,
5 secrions de 125 x 70 cm, éch. : 6 milles au pouce (env. 1 : 380160). Les
Archives nationales du Canada possédent des copies de deux versions
differentes de la carte: ANC, NMC 11 738 et NMC 35540.