Page 82 - index
P. 82
BRUNELLE (1). De Jordy. Gén. des familles du Richelieu.
Mailhot. Les Bois-Francs, III, 143; 200; IV, 293.
BRUNET. Masson. Gén. des familles de Terrebonne, l, 341-350.
BRYANT. Channell. Rist. of Compton County, etc. p. 232.
BRYNE. Thomas. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil, etc. p. 307.
BUADE DE FRONTENAC. Garneau (Alfred). Les SeigneW'll de
Frontenac. Revue Canadienne, Tome I;y' 1867. p. 147.
Lorin (Henri). Le Comte de Frontenac.
Roy (Régis). Encore Frontenac. B.R.H., XX, 1914. pp. 322-327.
Saint-Saud (Comte deT," Généalogies Pirigourdines, seconde série.
Bergerac, 1925. pp. 25-39. .
Antoine, Henri et Geoffroy ,de Buade. B.R.H., XXXVI, 1930. pp.
741-744. ,. --
BUCRAN. Thomas. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil, etc. p. 157.
. -- -
BUCRANAN. Buehanan (A. W. Patrick). The Buehanan Book, the
Life of Alexander Buchanan, Q.C., of Montreal, Followed By An AccDUnt
/'Of The Family-Ç>f Buchanan. Montréal, 1911, XIII-475-5-VIII. pp. in-8.
Printed for Private Circulation (300 ex.).
Buchanan (Patrick). Later leaves of the Buehanan Book. Printed
for private circulation. Montreal, 1929. 482 p. in-8.
Channell. Rist. of Compton Co.';'etc. p. 226.
BUCKIAND. Hubbard. Ri_t. of Stan_tead Co. p. 324.
BUISSON. Désaulniers (F.-L.). Recherches généalogique_ sur les
famille,!, Gravel, Cloutier, Bruneau, Buisson, etc., etc. Montréa!, 1902.
198 pp. in-12. _.
Roy (J.-Ed.). Rist. Seig. de Lauzon. Vol. 1. 326 sq.; App. XXXV.
BUISSON (de SAINT-COSME). Gosselin (Mgr Amédée). Les
Buisson de Saint-C08me, prêtres. B.R.H., XXX, 1924. pp. 195-198.
BULL. Bowerman (Dr. A. C.). Genealogical List of the Bull Family
of the county of Prince Edward, Ont. Dans: Ontario Hist. Soc. Paper8
and Records. Vol. V, 1904. pp. 77-90.
BULLOCK. Hubbard. Rist. of Stanstead Co. pp. 236-239.
BURBANK. Hubbard. Rist. of Stanstead Co. p. 310.
(1) Brunel·Llmoueln-Beaufort.