Page 178 - index
P. 178

ARCHIVES DE QUÉBEC                      269

                LYFORD. Hl/hbard. Hist. of Stanstead Co., etc. p. 182.

                LYONNAIS [LIONNAIS). Lyonnais (abbé A.-G.). Généalogie de
            la famille Lyonnais en Canada. Ottawa, 1901. 98 p. in-8.
                MaBsicotte. Branche ouhliée de la famille Lionnais. B.R.H., XLI,
            1935. pp. 315-316.


                MABEE [MABILLE]. Mabee (Dr Oliver R.). The Ance8try And
            Hard8hip8 of Fredericle. Mabee (Mabil!e, Maby, Mabie), The United
            Empire LoyaliBts Who Sett!ed ln The Long Point SeUlement, Upper
            Canada, ln 1793. Ont. Rist. Soc. Papers and Records, vol. XXIV, 1927.
            pp. 439-442.

                MAcARTHUR. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil. p. 338.
                MACAULAY. Channel!. Rist. of Compton Co. p. 264.

                MAcDONALD. Thomas. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil. pp.

                MAcDONELL. Scott (W.-L.). A. V. E. Loyalist Family. Ont. Hist.
            Soc. Papera & Records. Vol. XXXII, 1937. pp. 140-170.
                Thomas. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil, etc. p. 493.

                MACGREGOR. ThomaB. Hist. of the Counties of Argenteuil. p. 664.

                MACK. Huhbard. Hist. of Stanstead Co. pp. 226-227.
                MACKAY. Channel!. Hist. of Compton Co. pp. 206; 261; 274; 278.
                ThomaB. Hist. of the Counties of Argenteuil. pp. 125 sq., 390.

                MAcKENZIE. Channel!. Rist. of Compton Co. pp. 267; 276; 278.
                Masson. Gén. des familles de Terrebonne, III. pp. 1615-1616.
                Wade (W.-S.). MacKenzie of Canada. Edimburgh & London, 1927.
            XII--J32 p. in-8.

                MAcKEY. Channell. Rist. of Compton Co. p. 212.
                MAcKIE. Channel!. Hiet. of Compton Co. p. 141.
                ThomaB. Rist. of the Counties of Argenteuil. p. 241.
                MAcLURE. Carbonneau. Tableau gén. des mariages, etc., 1ère •.,
            vol. II. p. 548.
                MACRAE. Channel!. Hist. of Compton Co. pp. 119; 124.
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