Page 307 - index
P. 307

. . . . . . . .Le Chapitre de la Cathédrale de Québec et ses déllgués en France.
                           Lettres  du Cltanoilic Pierre  Hazeur  de  L'Orme  zt  Jean-Marie  de  la
                           Corne.  B. R. H. XIII. 225; 257; 289; XIV, 3; 33; 65; 97; 129; 161;
                           193; 229; 257; 289; 321; 353; XV, 3; 33; 65; 97; 129; 161;; 193;
                           225; 257; 289 ; 321 ; 353; XVI. 3 etc., etc.
                       Thetford-Mines.  Historique  de la Ville de Thetford-lees depuis sa fon-
                           datio,r,  1876-1910. Québec 1910, 143 p. illua.
                       Thomas (C.) Contriblrtioits io theHistory of  the Easten~ Townships: Early
                           Seillement  of St-Amiand, Dunh~ii, Srrtton,  Brome,  Potton  ad Bol-
                           ton.  Montreal, 1866, 376 pp.  in-8.
                       . . . . . . . . History  of  thp  Colbnties of  Argentelri1  Que., and  Prescolt,  Ont..
                           From  The Eadiest Settlenietzt to the Present.  himtreal, John Love11
                           & Son, 1896,665 pp. in-4.
                       . . . . . . . .The  Hktory  of  Shefford,  cid, ecdesimtual,  biographical  and
                           Statistical.  Montreal,  1877, 152 pp.
                       Thwaites. Jesuit  Relations and  allied  documents, 1610-1791: etc.,  etc. Cle-
                           veland, 1896-1901, 73 vols. in-8.
                  i    Tourigny  (J.-D.)  Albirnt-Souvenir  des  pre»iiers  colons  de  Ste-Eulalie.
                           Montréal,  1931, 36  p.  Portraits.
                  :    Traquair (Ramsay) and Earbeau(M.)The Chzcrch of  Sai~~te-Farirille, Island
                           of  Orleaias, Q:ué.  Reprinted €rani The Journal Royal Archi. Ins. of C.,
                           May-June,  1926. gr. in-4. Illust.
                  1    Traquair  (R.)  Tlte  Chrrrch  of  St-François  De  S!des, Island  of  Orleans,
                           Québec. Reprin~ed from Tlie Journal Royal  .I\rchitectural  institute of
                           C., Sept.-Oct., 1926. gr. in-4.  Illust.
                       Traquair (R.) and Adair  (E.-K.) Tlir Cliz~rck of Tlia I'isitntiosz  Sa>i!t-a-
                           Récdef, Qr~ebec. NcGill  Univ.  Publ.  Series  XIII,  No  18. gr.  in-4.
                  :    Traquair  (R.) and Barlieau  (M.)The Clzrrvcli of Sai~it-.Iszon, Isla~ril of  Or-
                           ~BuI~s, Quebec. McGill Cniv. Publ.  Series SIII, Ko 23 gr. in-4. Illust.
                       Traquair (R.) The Ni~ron dlission Chi!rch orid  Trerisiirc of  Noire-Doiiic  de
                           la .Te~c:le Lorette,  Quebec. h'fcGill Uiiiv. Publ. Serics XIII, No  28. gr.
                           in-4.  Illust.
                       Traqnair  (R.) and dair (R.-R.)  Tlic Chi!rch of Ste-Jeonne Fru+~<oise Dr
                           (-hanial  on The Ilc Perrot, Qi~cl)ec. McGill Univ.  Publ.  Seriej XIII,
                           No 35, gr. in-4. Illust.
                       Traqiiair  (R.) and Neilson  (G.-A.) Thw  Old Presbytery at Bakiscan, Que-
                           bec. PIcGill Univ..  Publ. Series XIII, No 36. gr. in-4. Illust.
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