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collège;  quelle  somme  sera  requise  pour  l'amortissement  de  toutes  les
                                      charges."  Lorsqu'il  srra parfaitement  renseig-né sur  tous ces  points,  il  liii
                                      sera  facile "de  considérer et  de  peser  sérieusement  ce  que  le  bien  de  la
                                      religion  demande  d'e lui  au  sujet  'u   collège  de  Sainte-Anne."  (Regish.8
                                      dcs lettres, v. 17 p. 421.)
                                          Le  secritaire  civil  Walcott  à  I'évèque  catholique  romain  de  Québt:~
                                      (CXateau  Saint-Louis,  le' août  1636).  Il lui  envoie  une  copie de  la  ni-
                                      ponse que Son Excellence vient  de recevoir du  gouvernement impérial  ri:-
                                      lativement à l'érection  du district de Montréal  en  un diocèse séparé de CI:-
                                      lui  de Québec ; il Iiii donne, en même temps,  un résumé de  cette dépéche.
                                      Inclus:  Lord Glenelg à lord Gosforrl  (Downing  Street. 26  mai  1836). co-
                                      pie).  II a requ sa lettre du 19 février 1836, au sujet de l'établissement  d'un
                                      nouveau  siège épiscopal  catholique  dans le  di,strict de  Montréal,  aussi  un
                                      mémoire  contenant  la correspondance  qiii  a eii  lieu  entre lord  Aylmer  et
                                      le  d'épatement des  Colonies  à ce  sujet.  Cette  question  a  Pté  aussi  sou-
                                      mise à son attention par Mg'  Bramston.  "1 need not assure Your Lordahip
                                      of  the anxicty  which  is  felt by  1-1.  M. Government to take  al1 necessa.ry
                                      measures  for suppiying  the  wants  and  for meeting  the mishes  of  H.  M.
                                      Roman  Catholic  subjects  in  Lourer  Canada  in  regard  to  their  rdigious
                                      instn~ction. Ei~t at the  same ti'nie the le.qal ohjeciions  to  the  recoflitii>ii
                                      by  any  formal Instrument  of  a  Roman Catholic  Bishop  within  the  Britiqh
                                      Dominions are insuperable ; and Your Lordship will readily understand  that
                                      the  course  pursued  in  the  case  of  M.  du  Plessis,  in  the  year  1817, for
                                      avoiding those objt~tions, is no  longer  admissible.  1 am happy, however,
                                      to  fr~l tint  siich  reco~nition is  not  essential.  Neither  M.  Panet,  who
                                      immediately  succeedcd  M.  du  Ples,sis,  nor  the  present  Roman  Catholic
                                      Bishop of  Quebec have  ever been  recognized under  that title by any more
                                      forma1 Document  than  a Despatch  heari,ng the signature of  the Secretary
                                      of  State;  and  altlio'  Dr  MacDoiiell,  the  R. Catholic  Rishop  of  IJpper
                                      Canada! has a jeat  in the  hgislative Council of  that  Provin,ce, he  did riot
                                      receive  that  distinction  until  some  years  af'ter his  investment  with  inde-
                                      pendent Eyiscopal Authority; nor w2.s  he described in the hian.damiu uncler
                                      the Sian Manual by  his  local Title.  In regard  to  Sova Scoiia  and  Pririce
                                      Hdward  Island, a similar course appears to have been pursued ; the Roman
                                      Catholic  Rishops of  these  Colonies  having  been  merely  sanctioned  by  let-
                                      ters from t.his Department.  His  Majesty's  Government are unwillina  to
                                      pursue any course in this rnatter which might appear to be unprecedented or
                                      unusual.  Ilut tliey, at the same timc, dcsire to accede to the wishes  of  the
                                      Roman Catholic population  on this subject, supported as they are hy  Ycnir
                                      Lordship's  recommandation, and  enfo~ced by  the application of  Dr Bram-
                                      ston.  1 shall  be  ready,  therefore,  to  sanction  in  the same  manner  which
                                      was  adoptrd  in  the  case  of  Upper Canada  and  of  Nova  ,Scatia, the :~p-
                                      pointment  of  a separate Roman  Catholic Bishop  for the  district  of  Mont-
                                      real,  whenercr  the  necessary  arrangement  shall have  been  cornpleted  hy
                                      the  Ecclesiastical  Authorities,  and  provid'ed  that  Your Lordship  shall si-
                                      gn?fy to  ine  th,$ the  person  to  be  named  to  that  1)ignity  is  of
                                      stnctly  moral  conduct,  of  adeqliate  Iearning,  and  06  unquestionable
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