Page 170 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 170

The  Commission  had  failed  in  ilfi  purpose.  Durinp  the  six  wwks
                               that  the  Cuniinissioners  were  absent  the  Congress  had  been  moving
                               toward~ a  definite  break  witIi  Brilain.  When,  on  July  4,  the  draft  of
                               the  Derlaraiion  of  Independence  \vas  ready, the  gloom  over  the  iailure
                               of  the  Canadian  Conimission  was  dispelled  in  the  light  of  the  grealer
                               j ,bue.
                                   It  js  evident that  tliere  n-ere many  laclor3 which  contrjbuted  to  tIie
                               failure  of  tlie  mission:  The  Aniericanj  lacked  hard  money;  the
                               Continental  troops  were  ill-equipped;  the  inttile rance  vciiced  by  the
                               Continental  Con.gress in  1774 sub~equetit ta  the  fiassage or the  Qriebee
                               Act  was  still  remenibered  by  tlie  Canadiaris;  - tiut  ihe  must  poweriuI
                               positive  force  was  die  firni  prisiiirin  maintained  by  Bishop  Briand
                               commandinF the Ioyalty  of  al1 Canadiaris  to  Grvat  Britain.
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