Page 164 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 164
utiriifrc:ial capacity, Charles Carrrill acclirripanied the hlaryland delega-
~ian.'") Thus ii was that alth»uzh not an officia1 rrierii1)er of the
Con~~zss uiilil aIter hia retrirri iriini the niissiori tri Cariada, Carroll ira-c
choseri as ihe [hird Comiriiaairirirr tu Canada. Congresa optiriiistirally
hoped that thr Canadiaris would Lake &Ir. Calroll rif Carrrilltcin "lor a
tj-pical Arncrieaii". ha ail cificial envoy of ;he Alnerican Congress,
tlie Roriiari Catholie ahibsllrl r!ri much to eradicate the rricroor)- of t!ie
oiTcnsc given in 1774.""
John Cai roll,'"'' the nssoeiate ineriilier tlie Canadian delegatioii, had
irith hi3 cous111 Charles atieiirled Ssirit Oiner'? in Flaridcrs. R'heri Cliarlea
left to pi elinre himself frir riiri re ivrirldlu purçuiis, Johri, attracted hu tlic:
eIericaI, ai:aclemic a~rnos~licrc Soint Omcr's, stayed riti. Not far from
the schoul was Wattcri, rihre in 1753 hc eiitered the Jesuit rioritiate.
Aftcr kiis ordiriatiori arrmriti the yenr 1769, Fatlier Carrr,ll reniainecl in
Eurlipc. Foi two ?-esrs lie tuured the contiiient AS the eoiriliarii~ri of
the eigliteen year old son ot Lord Stourtori, ari English Catl~oiic
nohleiiitti. ""'i This trip broa~Iener1 the ynririg je~i hu rizons as lie
cieiced evidences of decay in the Old Re~iine. Sociri a[ier ihe coinliletiou
of the tour, a disader wliich had heen imniiiierit frir some years l~ecame
R reaIi~y. The official words were sliokeu whiiili rlis.olved tlie Society
of Jesua in 1773. Father Carroll. greatly aiTeetet1 hy the dismlution and
tlie sulisequeiit "snarehiiig aivay of the way (if Iile LO which he ha4 hreri
sli forcih1)- attiacted"~"", came to Eu~1ani.l with ~he greai majiiriiy of hio
Jeauii Iirethren, iioliing tliai the Socieiy rnipht be re-estah1ic;hed iu the
Catliolir .<ta tr~ of the eoniinent niid their (Irprndeiieiefi. (32 ' However,
the irillriitinp spring (1'77 Li lie sniled ior Amcriiba rvhjch he hail left more
thau tireiity-five years Lieftirc. In Rock Cieck, XIorylnud. Fatlier Carroll
settled doivn in hi3 moilier's home. He had returned "aci aimable,
eultnred anrl polished iiiaii, ~ndowed w-itli al1 the aequireiiicnts riF the
leariiiiig of the day'"'", very much aiivare, in spite of Iiis loiip absence,
of the situation iu the Colonies aud nirid favourahly disposed tu thc
pstriotic cause.
Failier Carroll's sen timen tp ripun being reilnestrd IO accoinpnuy
the deleg~tea are knoivn to us in the rlrau~ht of a lette]., the origiiial of
which ia rioiv iu the Archiepiscoliùl Archives hi Baltimore.
'-'i'Iie Corigress lis5 doAir nir t hr di~1in~uislit.d aiid unexpcctcd lirbuuur
oI deziiilig me rn acconiliany ilir Comiriitticc urclered io Canada, and af
a~ci~riiis illem in sucIl IIIAII~~S a5 th~y chal1 jtdge nselul. I should
brir IY iIi(h cunEideiice pal iii me Iiy lhc Hoiioiir~LIi: Congrcss, srid per-
(27) ILid., p.p 120-121.
(26) ILid., p. 133.
(2hi Tlie must rcccnt and cimliletc biri2r~phy of John Carroll is Annabelle
hIeIvi1lc's no ted abur e.
1301 Mrliille, op. cil., p. 25.
131 2 Itiit., p. 30.
132) Job11 LrrolI, cditor, Biopraphicul Slrrtch a] the Most Rev. John
Corro/l Fir.rr B~rhop O] Bnliiiriore icith Sel~rr Portions O/ Ilis IPri~rngs
(Baliimurr: John blurphy, 1843). pp. 34.35.
(syi Pctcr Guilda), T~P Lij~ and 7ini~s of John CQ~TOII (We91miniuier~ hiavland:
The n'e~~iinii Press, 1951), p. X. (Heprint of firsl ediiion. i922).