Page 90 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 90

Minutes of  the Annual Meeting of  the
                                               English Section of  the
                                  Canadian Catholic Historical Association
                                       held at the Universiky of  Montreal
                                                        June  7,  1961

                                   The  meeting convened  at  3:30  P.M.,  under  tbe  chairmanship  of
                               Rev.  D.  J.  Mulvihill,  C.S.B.,  Prenident, Englih  Section  oi the  Canadian
                               Calholic  Historical  Assaietion.
                                   The major  item  on  the  busineas  agenda  was  the electjon  of  ofim
                               for  the  year  1961-62.  Dr.  J.  B.  Conacher  reported  on  the  mesting  of
                               the  Nominating  Cornmittee  and  the  fallowin   namea  were  broughf
                               forward for  the  offices and  acclamation  fnllow d  in  each  caw:
                                   Prcsùien,6:  Rev.  D. J.  Mulvihill,  C.S.R.
                                   Firat  Vice-Presiden,t:  Dr.  J. B.  Conacher

                                   Second  Vice-Predent: Rei*. Malcolm  MacDonnell
                                   Secretary.-  Dr.  A.  P.  Monahan
                                   Trea.rurer:  Ross  J. Dunn, Q.C.

                                   On  motion  by  Father  Bolger,  seconderi  by  Father  Crunican,  the
                               mnabern serving on  the  executive council for  1960-61 were  renominaterl
                               as a goup.  The exrcuiive council was  re-elprted  by  acclamation.
                                   A  Program Committee was formed  to prepare for the:  1962 meeiing
                               to b held in  Hamilton at McMaaier  ITnii.ersity.  Named  to  the committee
                               were:  Chairman,  Rev.  M.  Sheehan,  C.S.B.;  Dr.  J.  B.  Conecher;  and
                                Rev.  D'Arcy  Egan,  C.S.R.  Power  to  add  in  the  comminee  wan  given
                               the chairrnan  and it wam  agreed  that lhe Program  Committee sliould  eet
                                up  the  lmal  committee  for  the  meeting  in  1962.
                                   In  lhe  absence  of  tIie  secrpiary,  tIie  exeutive,  on  motion  made,
                                approved  and  carried,  was  empowered  tri  pay  the  outaianding  bills
                               submitted  to  the ssaociaiion.
                                    It  was  rnoved  by  Dr.  Lcdd.,  smonded  by  Si~cr Francis  d'Asaiei,
                               that  Father  Crunican  hc  granted  3100.00  to  defrsy  expenses  in  giving
                               a  paper  at  the  American  Catholic  Historical  Association  rnreting  in
                               Washington  in  December,  1961.
                                    Movd  Ily  Dr.  Leddy,  wnnded  hy  Sister  Francis  d'Assisi  and
                               carried.  the meeting  adjoum.
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