Page 82 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 82
BRITISH North American Colonies 25 CLERGY, liabilily for miliiary servicc
Press and suppression of religious 23
Houses in France in 1880 9 23 Sprang to their feei 10 protest
B~ouss~hu, Léger 46 Friince's aniiclericalisrn 11
BULIARD, Roger, o.rn.i., Clablie une CLERICAL edueauon in France 20
niission 29, 32 CLERICAL[SM, war against 23
CLVT, Mgr, eh= les Esquimaux 3 1
COLBERT ei le salut des sauvages 57
CALVINISTE en Acadie 57
CANADA, agricullural 25 COMMUNION servi au gouverneur 19
Disapproved P.E.I. independence COMMUHITIES suppressed in France
27 in 1880 17
Postes dans l'Arelique 27 COMPAC;PIIE. la Baie d'Hudson 27
CANADUN government anxious to 3 1
bring P.E.I. in10 Confederation Des Cent Associés 56 59
27 De Jésus, voir Jésuiies
CAFIDWAL, Marguerite, Mme Marion EE ~ - ~ ~ ,hï.,,e ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ,
Nolaire, et Mère Gamelin 15 54
CARMELITE Fathers, purged acrms CONCO~T, abrogo~ion of 23
France 17 CONFFDEFUTION and P.E.I. 25
CASGRAM, abbé 46 CONFIU~E St-Joseph, érigCe 23
cA~~oL1c chUrch vs Principles of COHGREGATIONS dissolved in France
17B9 9 16
In Montreal protcsted against Esicted from France 17
governmenial measurw in Vs laic universily 18
France 20 CONQUETE missionnaire de l'Arctique
Right io freedorn in France 22 27 36
CATHOL~UI~M, aiiacked b y atheism 1 9 COPPERMINE, Notre-Dame-de-Lu mi&-
CA~OLICISME français au XVIII" si&- res 32
cle 54 CORTEZ, voulait de l'or 55
CEMETERY law in France changed 23 COTON, père, confesseur du roi 54
CHABOILLU, Augustin, euré de Lon- 55
yeuil 22 COUILLARD, laissé il Québec 59
M.-Angéline-Amél ia. épouse Antoi- CREVIER, Eclouard, demande les Smurs
ne-Olivier Berthelet 2 1 Grises 43
CHAMPLAIN, vision religieuse 53 62 CUSHWG, Ricbard-J., Mgr, archwè-
C~PLIINCIES. military, abolished 23 que de Boslon 35
CWRLOITETOWN Confercnce 27
CWRON OE LA Bhm, François, D
hbpital 39 DAMES de la Charité, associaiion
CHARON, Hbpital général 39 fondée 13
CHAUMONOT, P.-M.-JOI, 1.j. 52 DE FREYCINET, entered negociations
CmussÉ, Gilles, s.j., tbkse sur le P. with Rome 15 16
Lcleune 46 Forms a new Cabinet 11
Suggests verdict of Senate 13
CHESTERFELD Jnlei, mission 32
DE LORIMIER, Frs-Marie-Thomas,
CHOL~A Montréal 14 nolaire, ex&cuié 16
CHWTI&I~. destrueted in France Léopoldine, à L'Assomption 16
20 Stépbanie, à L'Assomption 16
CHURCH ENEMY, Republicanisrn and DE QUEN, Jean* s.j. 52
radiealisrn 18 DE VAREWES, M.-Renée 37
Truce in France 16 Dcclaration, to regulaie lay and ec-
CHURCH Q~~arierly Review, disap- clesiasuca1 asswiariona 16
proved anti-religious measurcs DEFENCE moblem in Confederation
21 27
- 2* -