Page 82 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 82

BRITISH North  American Colonies  25   CLERGY, liabilily  for  miliiary  servicc
                                    Press  and  suppression  of  religious   23
                                     Houses  in  France  in  1880  9  23   Sprang  to  their  feei  10  protest
                                  B~ouss~hu, Léger  46                Friince's  aniiclericalisrn  11
                                  BULIARD,  Roger,  o.rn.i.,  Clablie  une   CLERICAL edueauon  in  France  20
                                     niission  29,  32            CLERICAL[SM, war  against  23
                                                                  CLVT, Mgr,  eh=  les  Esquimaux  3 1
                                                                  COLBERT ei le  salut  des  sauvages  57
                                                                  COMM~ILC~TIOWS P.E.1.  2%
                                  CALVINISTE en  Acadie  57
                                  CANADA, agricullural  25        COMMUNION servi  au  gouverneur  19
                                   Disapproved  P.E.I.  independence   COMMUHITIES suppressed  in  France
                                     27                               in  1880  17
                                    Postes  dans l'Arelique  27   COMPAC;PIIE.  la  Baie  d'Hudson  27
                                  CANADUN government  anxious  to     3 1
                                     bring  P.E.I.  in10  Confederation   Des  Cent  Associés  56  59
                                     27                             De  Jésus,  voir  Jésuiies
                                  CAFIDWAL, Marguerite,  Mme  Marion   EE ~  -   ~    ~    ,hï.,,e   ~  ~  ~    ~     1    ,
                                    Nolaire,  et  Mère  Gamelin  15   54
                                  CARMELITE Fathers,  purged  acrms   CONCO~T, abrogo~ion of  23
                                     France  17                   CONFFDEFUTION and  P.E.I.  25
                                  CASGRAM, abbé  46               CONFIU~E St-Joseph, érigCe 23
                                  cA~~oL1c chUrch  vs  Principles  of   COHGREGATIONS dissolved  in  France
                                      17B9  9                         16
                                    In  Montreal  protcsted  against   Esicted  from  France  17
                                     governmenial  measurw  in      Vs  laic  universily  18
                                     France  20                   CONQUETE missionnaire  de  l'Arctique
                                    Right  io  freedorn  in  France  22   27  36
                                  CATHOL~UI~M, aiiacked  b y atheism  1 9   COPPERMINE, Notre-Dame-de-Lu mi&-
                                  CA~OLICISME français au XVIII" si&-   res  32
                                     cle  54                      CORTEZ, voulait  de  l'or  55
                                  CEMETERY law  in  France changed  23   COTON, père,  confesseur  du  roi  54
                                  CHABOILLU, Augustin,  euré  de  Lon-   55
                                     yeuil  22                    COUILLARD, laissé  il  Québec  59
                                    M.-Angéline-Amél ia.  épouse  Antoi-   CREVIER, Eclouard,  demande les Smurs
                                     ne-Olivier  Berthelet  2 1       Grises 43
                                  CHAMPLAIN, vision  religieuse  53  62   CUSHWG, Ricbard-J.,  Mgr,  archwè-
                                  C~PLIINCIES. military,  abolished  23   que  de  Boslon  35
                                  CWRLOITETOWN Confercnce  27
                                  CWRON  OE   LA  Bhm,  François,               D
                                     hbpital  39                  DAMES de  la  Charité,  associaiion
                                  CHARON, Hbpital  général  39        fondée  13
                                  CHAUMONOT, P.-M.-JOI, 1.j.  52   DE FREYCINET, entered  negociations
                                  CmussÉ,  Gilles,  s.j.,  tbkse  sur  le  P.   with  Rome  15  16
                                      Lcleune  46                   Forms  a  new  Cabinet  11
                                                                    Suggests  verdict  of  Senate  13
                                  CHESTERFELD Jnlei,  mission  32
                                                                  DE  LORIMIER,  Frs-Marie-Thomas,
                                  CHOL~A Montréal  14                 nolaire,  ex&cuié 16
                                  CHWTI&I~. destrueted  in  France   Léopoldine,  à  L'Assomption  16
                                     20                             Stépbanie,  à  L'Assomption  16
                                  CHURCH ENEMY, Republicanisrn  and   DE  QUEN, Jean* s.j.  52
                                     radiealisrn  18              DE VAREWES, M.-Renée  37
                                    Truce  in  France  16         Dcclaration,  to  regulaie  lay  and  ec-
                                  CHURCH Q~~arierly Review,  disap-   clesiasuca1  asswiariona  16
                                     proved  anti-religious  measurcs   DEFENCE moblem  in  Confederation
                                     21                               27
                                                            - 2*  -
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87