Page 87 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 87


                                  Colonel, his straight-forward good sense, and  firmness of  char-
                                  acter are  all remarkably delineated.  Col.  PARKINSON was  a
                                  prominent  actor in the Black Hawk war.  For a stirring descrip-
                                  tion  of  early  times  in the  State, which he wrote,  see second
                                  vol. Hist.  Coll.  of  the Socicty, pp. 326-364.
                                    VIII.  RAMSAY CROOKS was  an early Fur Trader in Wis-
                                  consin  and  the  West,  as  agent  for  John  Jacob  Astor.  A
                                  detailed sketch of  his life and services, will follow in its appro-
                                  priate place in this Report.
                                    IX.  Auausr~s GRIONON, is supposed to be the oldest white
                                  inhabitant of  our State, who  was born within its present limits.
                                  He was born at Green  Bay,  June  27th, 1780,  and  at  present
                                 resides at Butte des Morts.  For a sketch of  his life, see Hist.
                                  Coll. vol.  3, p.  195,  and  his  "Recollections"  which  follow.
                                  This picture  mas  painted  by  BROOKES, of  Milwaultee, and is a
                                 fine painting.
                                    X.  JOSEPH JACKSON one  of  the  early  pioneers  of
                                 Wisconsin.  At present he resides  at Oshkosh, of  which city he
                                 was recently the  mayor.
                                   XI.  I-OM-E-TAH.-T~~S noted  Menomonee  chief  is the son
                                 of  the half-breed  CARROB, and brother of  the  well-known chief
                                 TOMAH. He was  born  about  1772.  He  was  engaged in the
                                 war of  1812-15,  and in  the  Indian wars of  this  State.  Re is
                                 an honorable man,  and  a  worthy  representative  of  red-men of
                                 heroic  days.   This  portrait,  with  the  two  succeeding, mere
                                 painted for the Society, by BROOKES, and are justly  considered
                                 as  among  t'he best  pictures  from  his  hand,  in  the  Society's
                                   XII.  OSHKOSH, signifies brave.  He mas born in 1795, and
                                 is a grandson of  CHA-XAU-CHO-KA-MA, or  The  Old King,  long
                                 head chief  of  the Menomonees.  He was engaged in the war of
                                 1812-15,  under  TOMAH. He died  near Keshena,  in  Shawano
                                 county, Aug. 29th, 1858, in consequence of  a drunken brawl, but
                                 a few days  after this'portrait of  him mas taken by Baoo~ps. He
                                 has a firm set, intelligent countenance,  in spite of  thc apparent
                                 ill-effects of  the fatal firc-water, to which he finally fell a victim,
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