Page 77 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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                                                  APPENDIX  NO.  IV.

                                          DONORS  TO THE  LIBRARY,  1858.
                                  Maine Historical Society.. ....   vola.   RHODE  IBZAND.   1
                                                                              ......  ,?
                                                            11  William B. Lawrence.
                                          MA8SdCHUSETTS.                WISCONSIN.
                                  8. Kneeland,  Jr.. ........... 14   Hon. C. C.  Washburn. .......  8
                                  Francis  Parkman,  Jr..  ......  3   Rtate of  Wisconsin  .......... 12
                                  Massachusetts Hist'ical Society  2   Hon. Charles Durkee.. ....... 7
                                  Dr. Edward Jarvis.. .........  2   Dr. Chandler  B.  Chapman.. ..  6
                                  8. A.Qreen..   ............... 2   Stephen  Q. Benedict. ........  3
                                  Joseph  Q.  Holland.  .........  2   Mrs. Louima  Rockwood. ......  6
                                  Harvard  College.  ............ 2   William  H.  Watson.. ........  7
                                  William Fox, A. H. Ward,  Qeo.   J. V. Swetting.. .............  6
                                   Lunt, Wm. R. Dean, W. R. &   Cyrus Woodman ............. 4
                                   J. W. Dean,  Samuel  Blake,   James M.  De Frees.. ........ 3
                                   Dr.  J. Jackson  &  Or. 8. C.   D.  H.  Shumway .............  2
                                                        -     Hon. A. W.  Randall.. ........  2
                                   Jackson,  1 vol. each.  ....... 8   SethCowles ................. 2
                                          CONNECTICUT.        Dr.  S. Compton  Smith,  T. D.
                                  Charles  J. Hoadly.. .........  3   Plumb, Wm. Ferslew,  Royal
                                  John W.  Barber   ............ 1   Buck,  Bmith, Du  Moulin &
                                  Yale College..   ............... 1   Co.,  A.  13.  Van  Wie, W.  P.
                                                        -      Hnrding, A. A. Woodbury, J.
                                          PENNSYLVAVIA.        Y. Smith, L.  H.  Jenkins,  8.
                                  Stephen Ta  lor..  ............ 92   V.  Bhipman  8.  R.  Phillips
                                  Btrange N. Kalmer  ........... 6   and D. R. edit, one  vol. each  13
                                  Philadelphia  Library Co.  .... 2                  - 80
                                  J. Campbell.   ................ 2       OEIO,
                                  Penn. Historical  Society..  ...  1   Hon.  George E. Pugh. .......  7
                                  G. Chambers,  Thomas  Balch,   Dr. Hamlin. ............... 4
                                   Horatio G. Jones, A. B. Ham-   Winthrop  13,  Smith.. ........  4
                                   ilton,  Rev. Dr. Georgeyeck,   Drs. Tafi  &  Watt,  Cornelius
                                                        -       B. P. Aydelot & J. C. McDon-
                                   1 vol.  each.  ............... 5   Moore, TV. T. Coggeshall, Dr.
                                           NEW  YORK.           ald, 1 vol, each.. .......... 5
                                  Charles  B.  Norton  .......... 26                - 20
                                  Dr.  Jose  h  G. Cogsmell. ..... 21   INDIANA.
                                  Drs.  J. 3. Qray  8: E. H.  Van   Hon. John Law.. ............   1
                                   Deusen   ................... 14
                                  Willism  Gowans. ............ 9       ILLINOIS.
                                  Regents of  University.. ...... 2   Lt. Col. J. Y. Graham, U.S.A.  3
                                  L.  K.  Haddock.. ............  8   Keen  & Lee. ................  3
                                  John H. Hickox  ............. 8   E.  H.  Hall. ................. 2
                                  Robert  Townsend ........... 8   Rev. Peter Cartwright.. ......  1
                                  Benson  J. Lossing. .......... 2                  -  9
                                  James  Lenox. ..............  4
                                  Joel Munsell.. .............. 2   DISTRICT OF OOLUYBIA.
                                  Qen. J. W. De  Peyster .......  1   State Department.. .......... 24
                                  John Atwood. ............... 2   Col. John 5. TVilliams.. ......  4.
                                  Dr. Howard  Townsend,  Dr. E.   John  S. Meehan ............. 3
                                   B.  O1Callnghan,  D.  A. Har-   Hon.  Horatio King..  ......... 2
                                   aha, and  Charles A. Clinton,   Prof  A. D. Bache.. .......... 1
                                   1 vol.  each.. .............  4   Charles  K.  Gardiner..   .......  1
                                                        - 1                         - 95

                                      .  ,,  -..........   "".-.'*J'.  ... ..        -
                                 Dr. Samuel 13. Hurd.. ........... ,  .. G /          917
                                  MAPS.-From  Lieut.  Col. J. D.dGral~am, U. 8. 'I., s Map of  KenoshaHarbor.
                                 Dr. Edward Jarvis.. ............ .I13  E. C. Eerrick..  ...................  .3
                                 8. Kneeland Jr ................... -61  Pottdville Association..  ...........  .3
                                 Stephen H. Carpenter..   ...........  .39  IIon. C has. I)urkee..  .............. .4
                                 Samuel A.  Green ................. .17  ]Elins A.  Calkins..  .................  .5
                                 Lyman C.  Draper.. ............... .14  Gen. J. Watts DePegster..   ........  .2
                                 Daniel 8. Durric..  .............. .13  Dr. 13.TYhc;~tl:~nd.   .2
                                 Utica Lunatic Asylum.. .......... .10  J. J. Barclsy.  ................... .2
                                 Col. A. Wellington Hart.. ......... .lO  Maryland Historical Society..  ......  .2
                                 Astor Library.  .................... .9  S. V.  8hipnian..  .................. .2
                                 Eli DuCton..  ..................... .8  Frederick Wsdsworth..   ............ .2
                                 Hon. Henry TV.  Cushman..  ........ .8  Gen. William  H. Sumner..   .........  .2
                                 William Gowans..   ................. .8  Utica Lunatic Asylum..  ........... .2
                                 Rev. Alfred Brunson. ............. .6  Dr. Howard  Townsend..  ...........  .2
                                 Rev. C. D. Bradlee.. .............. .6  John  L.  Sibley..  .................. .2
                                 Chas. B. Norton.. ................. .6  Unknown..  .......................
                                 Alfred  Cou~htrv. ................. .6  Societies and individuals. one each. .21
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82