Page 71 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 71

                                                    .-• - ..
                                         TREASURER'S  l'CJ3PORT' FOR  1857 .
                                 The Treasurer of  the State Histo~ical Societ? q" 1Visconsin respectfully presents
                                  the  following Report  of  rccoipts  into  the  Treasury,  and  disbursements
                                  therefrom.  during the year ending Jan . 1st. 1858:
                                                         Receipts .
                                 Jen'y  2.  1857.  Ealance in Treasury.  a.  per last  lteport  ..........  $69 59
                                 Jan'y  7.  1857.  From Secretary. dues from  active  membera  ......   3 00
                                 Feb7y 10. 1857.  Annual  appropriation  from the  State  .............  1. 000 00
                                 Pebly 10.1857.  From Secretary. dues &om active members ........   2 00
                                 Peb7y 10.1857.          donation from Col . ii . M . Billings.   6 00
                                 Feb7y 10. 1857.         donation from I . T . Smith ........   1 00
                                 March  3.  1857:        for Life Nembership.Geo . F.Wright   20 00
                                 March  7. 1857.         dues from activo members ........   4 00
                                 March  9.  1867.             do       do   ........   2 00
                                 Maroh 14.1857.               do       do  ........   2 00
                                 April  3.1857.               do       do  ........   6 00
                                 April  3. 1857.         J . A . Ellis.  Life  IIcmbership .....   20 00
                                 April  3. 1857.         Samuel 31arahalll   do  ......   20 00
                                 April 20.  1857.        Jas  . Richardson.   do  ......   20 00
                                 April 20.  1857.        dues from activc members ........   40 30
                                 April 27.  1857.             do       clo  ........   2 00
                                 May  6 . 1857.               do       do  ........   2 00
                                 June  16. 1857  .         do   do   Robert Sheill ......   2 00
                                 June  13;  1857.        donation from Hon . B . Pinckney . .   1 00
                                 June 22. 1857.          dues from active members ........   2 00
                                 Nov .                        do       do  ........   2 00
                                 Dec .                    A . Proudfit.  Lifc Membership  ...   20 00
                                 Dcc .                    collected by  S .  . Benedict .....   33 00
                                             Total .......................................... $1277 89
                                                      Disbursements .
                                 Peb'y  3.  1857.  To C  .  . Norton for books, freight, &a  ............  $825 08
                                 Feb7y  3. 1858.   9 . H . Carpenter for pri~lting ..................   20 00
                                 March  3.  1857.   Trustees of  Baptist  Society, rent ..............  120 00
                                 April 21.  1857.   L . C . Draper.  exchange. kc ...................   15 80
                                 April 21.  1857.   C . B . Norton . books  .......................   45 $6
                                 April 21.  1857.   9 . H . carpenterl printing  circulars, &c ........   13 00
                                 April  21.  1857.   Baptist Society.  for gns ......................   6 00
                                 April  21.  1857.   S . M . Brookes  for picture ....................   50 00
                                 Sept .  8 . 1857.   C.B. Norton, books .........................  71 00
                                 Deo .  22.  1857.   L . C . Dmper. items ..........................   38 01
                                 Jan7y 1. 1858.   S . M . Rrookes. balanc~ on picture .............   50 00
                                 JanJy  1.  1858.   S . G . Benedict, books ........................   3 00
                                               Balance  in Treasury .........................   20 42
                                             Total ........................................ $1277 89
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76