Page 172 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 172

                                      MARY, the eldest daughter, was married to Captain COTTON of
                                      the army,  soon  after  the  arrival  of  her  family  at  the  Bay.
                                      Judge ARNDT opened the first tavern,  and established the first
                                      public  ferry across Fox River,  about this period.  HENRY  S.
                                      BAIRD, A. J. IRWIN and  1 were  appointed  Commissioners to
                                      lay out a road on  the  east side of  Fox River,  from opposite of
                                      Fort  Howard to the  Grand  Kan-ka-lin.  The French  people,
                                      through whose farms tlic road  w:ts  laid,  were  decidedly hostile
                                      to  such an innoviltion upon the customs of  the country;  but we
                                      went  011 and  opened  the  road,  and  in due  time they not only
                                      became reconciled to, but even liked tlie new improvement.
                                        In 18.35, I built  at Green  Bay,  for  Judgc  DOTY, the first
                                      framed house  ever  erectcd in  Wisconsin;  it was then consid-
                                      ered a great  curiosity,  and hundreds  came to see it, pronoun-
                                      cing it 21,  grcnt displi~y of  architecture.  :\bout  this time,  Gen.
                                      A.  G.  ELLIS brought his wife to Green Bay,  and he with  his
                                      associate,  J.  V.  SUYDAM, started  the  first  newspaper  ever
                                      printed  vest of  Lake Michigan-a  sort of  seven-by-nine sheet,
                                      which  appeared semi-occasionally.
                                        In  this year,  1825,  Col.  Waf.  S.  IIAMILTON, son  of  the
                                      celebrated  ALEXANDER  ~IAYILT~N, drovc  the  first  cattle to
                                      Green  Bay,  for  the  use  of  the  troops.  He purchased  his
                                      cattle in Illinois,  and drove them by way  of  Chicago.
                                        About this time  the head chief  of  thc  bfenomonee  Indians
                                      died,  leaving  no  male  offspring.   The  hereditary  male  line
                                      having run out,  there arose  a great deal of  hard feeling among
                                      the Menomonees.  Ench  of  the  different  bands  claimed  that
                                      they  had )he  best  riglit  to  elect  the  new  head-chief.  The
                                      difficulty was  reported  to  the  President,  and  he  appointed
                                      Gov.  CASS and Col.  T. L. MCKINNEP, commissioners.  They
                                      came to Green Bay in 1827, and called the Indians together at
                                      Little Butte des Morts;  and after  examining the claims of  the
                                      different bands, they selected OSHKOSH as the one best qualified
                                      to serve  his people  as head-chief,  and  when the decision was
                                      made,  all parties seemed pleased with it.  We had a good time
                                     at the treaty, and all parted good friends.
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