Page 114 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 114

coursed down his  aged cheeks,  he  added:  "You  must  excuse
                                      these  expressions  of  an  old  man's  weakness,  for  I can never
                                      khink of  those good men without  causing my heart to be stirred
                                      within me."
                                        Almost  a  century  old,  and  the  last  surviving  follower  of
                                      WASHINGTON Wisconsin,  the  venerable  NATHANIEL AMES
                                      .cannot long linger on the shores of  Time.  Noble  patriot!  your
                                      aged form is fast tottering to  the grave,  and your spirit to God
                                      who gave it!  In coming years, when we  shall no more greet you
                                      among the young  generation  which  now  covers  the  land, may
                                      the  green  sods of  the  valley  press  lightly  upon  your  manly
                                      bosom, and your memory ever be held dear by us all!*
                                         We have thus rapidly  sketched the  persons  whose  portraits
                                      have been added  to the Picture  Gallery of  the  Society during
                                      the past two years.  We cannot  appropriately draw this report
                                      to a close without making proper reference to the several artists
                                       who have executed the~e paintings;  and we  regret,  that in most
                                      instances, the materials at hand for doing so are very meagre.
                                         Of  the fifteen  oil  paintings thus  added  within  the  past two
                                       years, eight of  them were painted  by  SAMUEL  M. BROOKEB, of
                                       Milwaukee,-the   View  of  Pecatonica  Battle Yield,  the  por-
                                       traits of  Col. D. &I. PARKINSON, AUGUSTIN GRIGNON, Col.  J.
                                                NATHANIEL AMES, and  of  the  Menomonee  chiefs
                                       I-OM-E-TAH, SOULIGNY OSHKOSH. As we have  previously
                                       adverted to Mr.  BROOICES' career as an artist,  it will  bo unne-
                                       cessary to repeat the sketch in this connection.
                                         Chevalier  JOSEPH FAGNANI, who executed  the  striking and
                                       excellent portrait of  the  renowned  Arctic  explorer,  Dr. E.  K.
                                       KANE, was born in the city of  Naples, on  Christmas eve, 1818,
                                       of  Italian parents, his  father being from Pesaro,  in the Roman
                                       States, and his mother a Neapolitan.  His earliest recollections
                                       are associated with  pictures,  for  his father  being very  fond  of
                                       them, often  purchased and brought  home new ones, and  young

                                        +In the preparation of  this  sketch, I acknowledge my  indebtedness to Hon.
                                       R. P. MAIN, Oregon, n neighbor of  Mr. AMES, for  facts  and details  derived
                                      from the aged patriot,  whose memory and services it is designed to  perpetuate.
                                                                                       L. C. D.
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